Start building your app with Celo in minutes
Bring Web3 to 6B+ smartphones worldwide
Transaction flexibility
Payments made more accessible by allowing people to pay with multiple forms of currency.
Celo is now an L2
Unlocks dev access to Ethereum's full suite of libraries & tools.
Ethereum security
Celo transactions are now anchored to Ethereum, inheriting its battle-tested consensus and decentralization
Scalable with a permissionless consensus algorithm running on decentralized infrastructure.
Mobile-first approach
Authenticate users’ phone numbers for a convenient mobile payment experience.
1-Second Block Times
Transactions are faster and confirmations near-instant.
A full-stack platform with a mobile-first approach
Get the most out of Celo’s innovative L2 blockchain ecosystem.
Core contracts
Platform logic including ERC-20 stable currencies, identity attestations, proof-of-stake, and governance.
An open cryptographic protocol that allows applications to make transactions and run smart contracts.